Boat-naming Psychology, Part 1: What’s Your Favorite Boating Experience?
Choosing the right boat name is important, so don’t make that decision lightly. Give yourself permission to pause your hectic schedule and enjoy a little downtime. Settle down with a cool drink, grab a pen and paper, and treat yourself to a fun little boat-naming exercise.
5 Tips for Choosing the Right Boat Name
You’ve finally joined the ranks of happy boat owners, and you’re excited to begin your adventures on the water. You recently bought all your required safety gear, and outfitted the cabin in your favorite color scheme. You even splurged on some of the latest electronics.
The Modern Way to Christen a Boat
Christening your boat is a nautical tradition that’s thousands of years old. In fact, virtually every seagoing culture has adopted its own version of a boat naming ceremony. Whether you’re christening a canoe, a cruising sailboat, or a motor yacht, the ceremony will be largely the same. In fact, similar guidelines apply when you christen a ship. View these useful suggestions for christening your boat, and access a more traditional boat naming ceremony geared to nautical purists.
The Nuts and Bolts of Naming Your Boat
You’re finally ready to name (or rename) your boat. You’ve been combing through boat name databases for days, and you finally found a boat name that fit your boat’s vibe and your personality. Now, you need to place that name on the boat’s hull.
Beware of These 7 Boat-naming Blunders
Getting a new (or new to you) boat is an exciting experience. You imagine all the enjoyable trips you’ll take with family and friends, and you look forward to some solo time during which you can rest and relax.